The Future of Recruitment

Streamlining hiring with next-generation technology, expert guides, and in-depth analysis


The Fairest Approach to Resume Screening with AI

The article explores a fair and efficient approach to resume screening by combining AI and human expertise. It details a three-step process where recruiters define criteria, AI automates the screening of resumes against these criteria, and recruiters make the final decisions based on clear, explainable data. This method ensures a balanced, unbiased, and effective hiring process.

Guillermo Gette

Guillermo Gette



10x ROI Resume Screening Software

When considering HR software, it’s essential to evaluate the return on investment (ROI). Brainner’s resume screening software proves to be a highly efficient tool, delivering significant time savings and financial returns. Brainner users report saving up to 90% of initial screening time. This substantial efficiency gain translates to an impressive ROI of up to 10x, making Brainner an invaluable asset in the recruitment process. By reducing manual tasks and accelerating the time-to-hire, Brainner helps recruiters focus on strategic activities and secure top talent more effectively.

Federico Grinblat

Federico Grinblat



Top 5 ATS Integrations to Supercharge Your Hiring Process

In today’s competitive job market, integrating Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) like Lever, Ashby, Greenhouse, and Workable with other technology platforms can significantly enhance the hiring process. Key integrations with tools such as Calendly, DocuSign, Brainner, and Checkr streamline recruitment, making it more efficient and candidate-friendly. By leveraging these integrations, companies can reduce administrative overhead, improve the candidate experience, and secure top talent more effectively.

Ignacio Iglesias Raggio

Ignacio Iglesias Raggio



The Impact of AI in Recruitment 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming tech recruitment by streamlining tasks such as writing job descriptions, sourcing candidates, and screening resumes, significantly increasing efficiency. While AI reduces unconscious bias and enhances the candidate experience, it works best in tandem with human recruiters who bring expertise and contextual understanding. This balanced approach allows organizations to attract top talent and make smarter hiring decisions.

Federico Grinblat

Federico Grinblat



What to look for in resume screening: Best practices

In today’s competitive job market, effective resume screening is essential. This article provides best practices for defining objective screening criteria and introduces Brainner, an AI-driven tool that automates the process based on precise recruiter-defined criteria, ensuring efficient and accurate candidate evaluation.

Federico Grinblat

Federico Grinblat



The Fairest Approach to Resume Screening with AI

The article explores a fair and efficient approach to resume screening by combining AI and human expertise. It details a three-step process where recruiters define criteria, AI automates the screening of resumes against these criteria, and recruiters make the final decisions based on clear, explainable data. This method ensures a balanced, unbiased, and effective hiring process.


The Best Lever Resume Screening Software

Discover how Brainner’s advanced resume screening software integrates seamlessly with Lever to revolutionize your hiring process. Save up to 90% on screening tasks and ensure you hire the best talent quickly and efficiently.


A Non-Biased Solution for Resume Screening

Brainner’s resume screening software eliminates bias by analyzing resumes without showing names, genders, or ages. This ensures fair and objective evaluations, promoting diversity and inclusion in the hiring process.


10x ROI Resume Screening Software

When considering HR software, it’s essential to evaluate the return on investment (ROI). Brainner’s resume screening software proves to be a highly efficient tool, delivering significant time savings and financial returns. Brainner users report saving up to 90% of initial screening time. This substantial efficiency gain translates to an impressive ROI of up to 10x, making Brainner an invaluable asset in the recruitment process. By reducing manual tasks and accelerating the time-to-hire, Brainner helps recruiters focus on strategic activities and secure top talent more effectively.


Top 5 ATS Integrations to Supercharge Your Hiring Process

In today’s competitive job market, integrating Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) like Lever, Ashby, Greenhouse, and Workable with other technology platforms can significantly enhance the hiring process. Key integrations with tools such as Calendly, DocuSign, Brainner, and Checkr streamline recruitment, making it more efficient and candidate-friendly. By leveraging these integrations, companies can reduce administrative overhead, improve the candidate experience, and secure top talent more effectively.


The Impact of AI in Recruitment 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming tech recruitment by streamlining tasks such as writing job descriptions, sourcing candidates, and screening resumes, significantly increasing efficiency. While AI reduces unconscious bias and enhances the candidate experience, it works best in tandem with human recruiters who bring expertise and contextual understanding. This balanced approach allows organizations to attract top talent and make smarter hiring decisions.


Are Humans Less Biased than AI in the Recruiting Process?

In today’s recruitment landscape, both humans and AI have their own biases. While humans are prone to subconscious biases such as affinity and name bias, AI can perpetuate historical prejudices if not carefully managed. Brainner combines AI’s objective analysis with human oversight to minimize bias, promote diversity, and enhance hiring efficiency.

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What is FOBO?

Discover how FOBO (Fear of Becoming Obsolete) is impacting today’s workforce and learn strategies to stay ahead. This article explains the importance of adaptability and continuous learning, and introduces Brainner as a tool that enhances recruiter efficiency by automating resume screening. Find out how Brainner transforms the recruiter’s role from manual tasks to strategic planning and analysis.


How to choose HR software: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the right HR software can be challenging, but evaluating Impact, Complexity, and Risk can simplify the decision. This guide explains these core factors and highlights how Brainner offers a high-impact, low-complexity, and low-risk solution for automating resume screening.


What to look for in resume screening: Best practices

In today’s competitive job market, effective resume screening is essential. This article provides best practices for defining objective screening criteria and introduces Brainner, an AI-driven tool that automates the process based on precise recruiter-defined criteria, ensuring efficient and accurate candidate evaluation.